


Is your home exterior in need of some TLC? Have you been putting off some general maintenance or are you ready for an entire exterior spruce up?


                Exterior Reconstruction can increase the value of your home and can transform the curb appeal. Renovations can be done to optimize the outdoor space you and your family use. To maintain or repair damage done by the weather/nature or reconstruct long standing issues. In addition to, an exterior reconstruction can add to the marketability of your home if you have plans to sell.  With all of that in mind have you created your step by step plan, complete with budget and top-rated general contractor? No? Don’t fret, we’ve sorted out a few of the best tip for getting started with your exterior renovation, so you can be more informed and select the right company for you and your project.


You can begin the process by thinking about what your dream home may look like. It’s great to have color schemes, blueprints and a plan to either update existing exterior materials or explore new custom-made options. If you need inspiration to get your creative thoughts going driving around neighborhoods you like, check out home magazine or binge watch your favorite home improvement shows. Then write it down so you can share it with you General Contractor. Your GC will create a preliminary proposal that will outline your budget options and give you an idea of the renovation process.

With any project you need to keep in mind your budget busters. Determine what falls into the priority list, really like list and dream list. These three lists will put into perspective what can be taken care of first and what can be saved for another time. Priorities may include repairing that leaky roof and gutters,  replacing your deck that has wood rot, or patching the woodpecker holes on your stucco. Your “really like” list may include updating to new energy efficient windows and doors or repairing retaining walls. Dream lists can include changing the color of your exterior stucco or having that heated driveway poured so you never have to shovel snow again. Make your list and prioritize.

When to start your exterior remodel is a huge part of planning that is easily overlooked. Start to build your plan in the slower construction months when you can research a GC that can understand your vision and bring it to fruition. We always recommend that when you start any home project you find a licensed general contractor. Your general contractor will be the one who coordinates the moving parts for your home’s renovation. They will be able to outline the length of your project and take care of ordering all materials, supplies and equipment needed for the job.  Finding a company that can tackle most of your projects such as roofing, stucco, windows etc. will take most of the burden off of you. Typically, a company that can handle multiple projects on one job site has a trusted crew that is experienced and will save you from having to manage your jobsite.  


Our biggest take away for starting your exterior renovation is to develop a solid plan with the right General Contractor overseeing your job. That small idea you’ve been pondering over can grow into the prettiest home in your neighborhood.  


Exterior home renovation is a broad topic and we will expand upon it further in more posts to come.