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Outdoor living space of a stucco home.
Summer is finally upon us! It’s time to dig out the gardening gloves and show some love to your outdoor living spaces.
Your landscaping can be a way to bring your indoors out and it can show off your personal style. Choosing pretty flowers, tall billowy trees and creeping ivy can add lots of character to your home’s exterior. Keep in mind when picking new plants, how much they will grow and how much space they will eventually need. If your landscaping is not planted with care it can cause damage to your homes exterior, especially your stucco siding. All new landscaping should be planted away from your homes exterior. Any existing landscaping should be trimmed back annually so it sits 18″-24″ away from your stucco walls or siding. That pretty little creeping vine will need somewhere to go when it starts to grow. If you don’t train it or give it a trellis it will likely creep up your stucco walls and can create large problems. Some of the larger problems your landscaping can cause can be moisture related. Bushes and vines can hide cracks that can allow moisture intrusion into your home. Tall trees that are not maintained can damage your home with falling branches and limbs during large storms. 





ivy vine on stucco wall