Poor drainage can be the death of your home if not properly maintained
Improper installation of stucco and EIFS, lack of kick out flashing or worn out drainage can fill your home with water and mold quicker than you imagine. When it comes to moisture issues, we’ve fixed our share throughout the state of Colorado.
When it comes to your home, gutters, flashing and caulking are the best ways to deflect water away from your home, but what about your yard. We’ve talked about French drains and how they are a great way to move water out of your yard and away from your home, but there are a few alternative solutions that you can also try if you live in an area where there is continuous swamping and water accumulating in your yard.
Plant trees to correct poor drainage in your yard
Some plants and trees with literally drown if they are standing in water for too long. Trees, like us, need air to breathe and live, so if their roots are submerged in water they will suffocate and die.
But evolution is a wonderful thing, and like all living things, some trees have found a way to survive without air, allowing them to live – thrive even – in marsh-like areas. These trees can help alleviate your water problems. For Colorado homeowners who live in the foothills, with melting mountain snow and rain water running directly into your yard from atop the mountains, this is a blessing and can save your home from moisture damage. And, unlike putting in drain after drain in your yard, these trees can add an aesthetic appeal while acting functionally as natural drainage.
Wet soil and standing water trees need A LOT of water, all the time
We do need to give a little warning. These wet soil trees are great for soaking up large, wet, marshy areas on your property, but when that patch of water is all soaked up the tree will go looking for more water elsewhere. If you moisture issues are large and continuous, this can be a great option. But if the water issues are close to you homes foundation or near water pipes, make sure the trees you plant do not grow into water and sewer pipes. If you live in urban or suburban areas in Colorado, we recommend good old fashioned drainage to fix your moisture issues. But for large properties in Colorado’s Mountain communities, fixing big water issues with wet soil trees can be great green alternative.
Potential standing water and wet soil trees to consider for your Colorado yard
There are many types of trees that love a lot of standing water or really muddy, marshy conditions. The two most common wet soil trees for Colorado homes are the Bald Cypress and the Dawn Redwood. Of course, like anything you’ll need to do some research of the type of soil on your property to find the perfect wet soil or standing water tree to help your moisture issues.
Drainage and moisture solutions for Front Range and Mountain communities
We have over 30 years of quality general contracting and reconstruction work throughout the state of Colorado. We are experts in all moisture issues, including how to construct and install proper drainage for your home and property.
If you don’t have the space to plant wet soil and standing water trees, call (303) 543-9549 to schedule an estimate.